Message: An Entrance We’ll Never Forget
Looking at Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem through the eyes of the crowd, the religious leaders and the disciples, and
the lessons we can learn.
Looking at Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem through the eyes of the crowd, the religious leaders and the disciples, and
the lessons we can learn.
Series: The Awesome Power of Vision Part 5: Maintaining Harmony in my home, Volunteer Group, and Church God has an awesome vision for…
Message: Being Thankful In Tough Times How many times have you been thankful when you were stressed? The truth is, it is hard…
Series: Building Character Part 7: God’s Wake Up Call Many times, we know we need to make a change. Maybe it’s in ourselves,…
Message: Shaping Your Future Self It’s hard to make long-term plans, but no matter what happens in 2024, you still have complete control…
Message: Living in the Goodness of God Part 8B: How God Lifts Me Up When I’m Worn Down It’s not always easy to…
Series: God’s Amazing Promises We love to know that some things in life are guaranteed. The only problem is that hardly anything is…